ZigBee Batw Smart Thermostat, Wireless

Engo ONE is an innovative temperature thermostat with built-in humidity
sensor. It is a combination of modernity with precise operation and intere
sting design. It is characterized by simplicity of installation and operation.
Both the surface-mounted battery version (built-in lithium-ion battery) and
the flush-mounted 230V version, can be controlled wirelessly via the ENGO
Smart app, using the ZigBee 3.0 EGATEZB gateway. The flush-mounted
version is wired directly to the receiver (e.g. a wiring centre). It is mainly
designed to control underfloor heating systems.

Incl. Vat: £78.66 £65.55
Availability: In stock

Product features:
• Communication using ZigBee 3.0 standard
• Very easy to operate
• A multitude of functions accessible through the ENGO Controls / Tuya Smart application
• Option to connect an additional NTC sensor
• Adjustable display backlight intensity
• Possibility to set minimum and maximum target temperature
• Temperature history charts available in the application
• Ability to share devices with multiple users
• Push notifications from the application
• ENGO binding function (device linking in Online and Offline mode)
• Comfortable floor function