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How To Use Underfloor Heating Efficiently

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Many homeowners want to know how to make the most of their heating system efficiently. Underfloor heating offers a sophisticated solution, but how do you maximise its benefits?

Homeowners are always looking for innovative ways to run their central heating systems at home efficiently. But did you know that underfloor heating is also classed as a central heating system too? This means that it is possible to use underfloor heating efficiently, but how? In this article, you will learn how to use underfloor heating efficiently, as we demonstrate installation and insulation tips, its pros and cons, and how various floor types can affect its performance.

Key points:

How Efficient is Underfloor Heating?

Underfloor heating is not just a modern luxury; it’s a practical and efficient way to heat your home. But how efficient is underfloor heating, and what makes it a preferable choice for many homeowners?

Types of Underfloor Heating Systems

There are two types of underfloor heating systems – hydronic and electric. Both of these systems emit heat differently throughout the home. Knowing the difference between the two will help you to distinguish which is the most efficient, and therefore, best underfloor heating system.

How To Make Underfloor Heating More Efficient

There are several ways in which you can make your underfloor heating system operate more efficiently for your home. Again, this should be done during the installation stage to save you the troubles that common underfloor heating problems can bring.

What Factors Impact Efficiency

Temperature Control

The most efficient way to run underfloor heating involves maintaining a consistent temperature tailored to time-of-day needs. 

In the morning, setting your thermostat to around 21 degrees Celsius provides a warm start to the day. Once everyone is out of the house, lowering the setting to between 18 and 16 degrees helps conserve energy while keeping the home comfortably warm. 

During evenings, raising the temperature back to 21 degrees ensures a cosy environment for relaxation. Overnight, reducing the temperature to about 14 degrees saves energy without compromising comfort.

This method of “setback temperature” control not only reduces the strain on your heating system but also ensures it operates more efficiently by maintaining a steady base temperature rather than heating from cold each time, which can be energy-intensive, and still remains in line with what temperature your home should be

Setting Up Smart Temperature Controls

To run your underfloor heating system more efficiently using temperature controls, consider the following methods:

How Modern Technology on Impact Efficiency

Advancements in technology have significantly increased the efficiency of underfloor heating systems. Modern systems are designed to convert nearly every penny spent on energy into direct heating, reducing wastage. 

With improvements in materials and design, such as thinner floor build-ups, underfloor heating now requires less energy to achieve the same level of warmth compared to older systems. This is particularly beneficial compared to traditional radiators, which underfloor heating can outperform in efficiency by 15-40%.

Tips for Maintaining Efficiency

Here are some practical ways in which you can maintain efficiency with your underfloor heating system:

The Importance of Proper Insulation

A well-insulated home is crucial for maximising the efficiency of underfloor heating. The best installations often involve insulation boards and screeded floors, which can retain heat even when the heating system is off. 

This level of insulation ensures that heat is not lost to the substrate below, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the system. In theory, a correctly designed and installed underfloor heating system, coupled with the correct insulation, can be the most effective and efficient heating solution available.

Are Insulation Boards Necessary?

Yes, insulation boards are essential for underfloor heating as they can prevent up to 50% of heat loss, instantly improving the system’s efficiency. These boards come in two main types:

Other relevant articles to try:

Based on what we have discussed, here are some other relevant articles to explore to better aid your knowledge on how to run an efficient underfloor heating system:

Efficient Underfloor Heating Made Simple

In conclusion, efficient underfloor heating hinges on proper installation, strategic temperature control, and regular maintenance. By choosing the right insulation, utilising programmable thermostats, and maintaining a consistent heating schedule, homeowners can improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of their central heating systems. 

At Underfloor Heating Trade Supplies, we provide all the necessary components to ensure your heating system is as efficient as possible, making it an ideal choice for sustainable and comfortable home heating solutions.

Check out this helpful guide on how you can heat a home efficiently in the UK.


What is the most economical way to set underfloor heating?

The most economical way to set underfloor heating is to use a programmable thermostat to maintain steady “comfort” temperatures when you are home and “setback” temperatures when you are away or asleep, reducing the overall energy usage without sacrificing comfort.

Is it cheaper to leave underfloor heating on all the time?

Yes, it is often cheaper to leave underfloor heating on continuously at a lower temperature rather than turning it on and off. This method avoids the energy peaks of reheating the space from cold and maintains a consistent temperature, which can be more energy-efficient.

How many hours a day should underfloor heating be on?

Underfloor heating can be left on 24 hours a day at a lower temperature setting, especially during colder months. Adjusting the thermostat to slightly higher temperatures only when needed can ensure efficiency and comfort.

How to effectively use underfloor heating?

To use underfloor heating effectively, install adequate insulation, use a programmable thermostat to create heating zones and schedule heating times, and maintain a consistent but moderate temperature to reduce fluctuations and energy waste.


Tremain, D., (2024) How to heat a home efficiently. Compare the Market. [online] Available at: [accessed 28/08/24]

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